About BusinessTech Insider

BusinessTech Insider provides in-depth editorial content, news, and research covering the innovations, technologies, and solutions that power today’s enterprise corporations, mid-tier companies, small businesses, and start-ups.

We strive to be the starting point for technical and business professionals looking for knowledge on how to improve the productivity and efficiencies of their organizations through the implementation of new hardware, SaaS, software, development practices and processes, and technical business services. Hence, each month, our editorial staff publishes and re-syndicates several thousand articles and white paper content to enrich our growing community of industry leaders and business professionals.

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TechPRO Media is a B2B publishing and content distributing company based in San Francisco, CA. We publish editorial content and syndicate technical news and research reports on our own website brands such as BusinessTech Insider and Techprohub.

We provide further value to the Technical and Business community and advertising community through our white paper content syndication and online advertising network which leverages our partner publishers and their social media channels to reach over 10 million business leaders and industry professionals worldwide. TechPRO Media can accomplish this by leveraging our ability to deliver over 100 million ad impressions and generate over 10,000 leads with lead generation programs each month.

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