Articles By: Tipalti, Inc.

Retaining Digital Economy Partners: Why Payments Are Critical to Creators and Influencers

Things have changed, and creators are now in the driver’s seat. Today, platforms must build best-in-class partner experiences to succeed and provide the most seamless experiences possible, allowing influencers and creators to focus on creating rather than the logistics of working with brands. Something as seemingly inconsequential as payments could make or break that relationship. Whether your company supports 20, […]

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The Ultimate Guide To Using ChatGPT For Finance

Can ChatGPT and generative AI be used for finance? The answer is yes. ChatGPT and other similarly powerful AI models can understand complex queries and data sets and analyze large amounts of information. Businesses can use them to create reports, track expenses, and budgets, and for financial analysis, cash flow projections, and much more. Read the “The Ultimate Guide to […]

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How To Create A Culture Of Cash Flow Excellence

Uncertainty Is the Only Certainty From changing markets to bank failures, mass adoptions of new technologies, international wars, a pandemic, inflation, rising interest rates, and an ongoing potential recession, it would seem that the new business normal is keep pace with multiple “once-in-a-lifetime” events. Today’s economic environment is marked by volatility, and business of all sizes must be agile and […]

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Strengthening The Resilience Of The Finance Function – Lessons From Executives

“Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.” – John Allen Paulos, Mathematician It’s no secret that economic uncertainty preoccupies companies worldwide. Businesses are asking: Will the economy avoid a slowdown? Have interest rates peaked? Will inflation continue to abate? The Vantage Report Strengthening the Resilience of the Finance Function: […]

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The Four Pillars to Providing a First-Class Global Payouts Experience

Over the past decade, the digital economy has grown exponentially, and more people than ever are turning to the internet to either supplement their incomes or turn it into their full-time occupation. As a result, digital and platform-based companies are reliant more than ever on the talents and capabilities of their digital partners. And attracting and retaining partners is crucial […]

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The Top Global Payment Methods Compared

There are numerous options for paying international suppliers, from prepaid debit cards to international ACH to wire transfers and more. Each has benefits and drawbacks that impact the satisfaction of your suppliers and the workload of your finance team Download the eBook to discover:• The current state of supplier payments• Today’s top global payment methods• Comparing Wire Transfers, Domestic ACH, […]

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Are You Struggling with Contractor Payments?

More than 50% of US workers are engaged in the gig economy, which is growing rapidly. These contractors are increasingly crucial to your business success in today’s dynamic digital environment. To compete effectively, brands like yours need to scale contractor payments faster and more efficiently while keeping your contractors happy. A modern, reliable payment process will give your company a […]

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Creative Challenges – Unlocking a Superior Brand-Creator Relationship

Creators, influencers, artists, and entrepreneurs across industries are actively defining the zeitgeist of the 2020s. Our report, prepared by Kickstand, features in-depth analysis of market data from individual creators in over a dozen unique sectors. This report explores the many challenges brands face when working with creators and sheds light on what the future of the brand-creator relationship may look […]

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