Articles By: BigPanda

Gartner Has Released the 2021 Market Guide for AIOps Platforms

This report will be of value to Infrastructure and Operations teams evaluating how AIOps can improve monitoring, service management and automation tasks with AI-powered anomaly detection, diagnostic information, event correlation, and root cause analysis (RCA). One of the biggest takeaways in this report is the division of AIOps platform offerings into two categories: • Domain-agnostic• Domain-centric solutions Gartner says that […]

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BigPanda Empowers IT Ops and Prevents Outages

Turn data into insights and action with Event Correlation and Automation, powered by AIOps As IT Operations teams modernize their incident management processes, they ask themselves:• What if we could apply machine learning to make sense of our alert data?• What if we could automate tasks we do manually today?• What if we could cut down the complexity of an […]

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5 Questions That Will Jumpstart Your AIOps Ambitions

Every IT Ops leader is asking: “Our team is drowning in alerts, events and incidents and we know AIOps could help, but how do we get started?” To make AIOps understandable and help guide decision-making, Principle Analyst Charles Araujo presents five questions you must answer:• What’s your “why?”• Where’s the data?• How will you transform your data into insights?• How […]

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IT Crisis Management: How AIOps Cuts Costly Downtime and Supports Teams

The cost of downtime is higher than ever, amplifying pressure on IT Ops, NOCs, and DevOps to minimize outages. Meanwhile, it keeps getting harder to maintain system reliability. Augmenting IT Operations with artificial intelligence (AIOPs) can help relieve this pressure and enhance reliability by helping IT teams keep ahead of shifting, multilayered challenges. This CIO Dive whitepaper is particularly valuable […]

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The Pragmatic Buyer’s Guide to AIOps Platforms

Autonomous operations based on AI lets IT operations teams quickly identify the root cause of incidents in today’s hybrid computing environments. Learn how to evaluate AIOps solutions and pick the one that best meets the needs of your organization. This buyer’s guide will help you understand the technology and how it’s applied prevent outages and incidents and quickly restore service […]

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2020 and Beyond: IT Ops Facing Change, Disruption and the Unknown

IT Operations, NOC, DevOps and SRE teams have always been under pressure to ensure service reliability and availability… Then came COVID-19. A new IDG survey explores how these critical teams have been impacted as the demand for digital services skyrocket and a remote workforce model in place for the unforeseeable future. Over 100 IT Ops professionals shared their perspective on:• […]

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How Expedia Modernized Operations on One of the World’s Fastest-Moving IT Stacks

On-demand webinarDuration: 45 minutes The need for speed drives enterprises to adopt clouds, containers, micro-services and continuous delivery. The rise of DevOps has created a culture of optionality within organizations. With speed and optionality comes tremendous operational challenges. IT Ops, Site Reliability, DevOps teams have to deal with overwhelming alert volumes, continuous production changes, and dynamic service topologies. The result? […]

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