How Cloud Services Benefit from Cloud-Based Delivery

Today’s workforce is more dispersed than ever and relies heavily on cloud-based services to stay productive. Cloud-based services and distributed service consumption are causing more traffic to flow across the public Internet, creating an entirely new set of challenges in the areas of performance, availability, and security.

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Fuse Business Acceleration Technologies To Optimize User Experiences

Over the past decade, infrastructure and operations teams have focused large amounts of resources on making their customer-facing websites blazingly fast because website experience had a direct correlation to customer satisfaction and revenue. The introduction of cloud, virtualization, and mobility has expanded the number of types of revenue-producing applications, which means that I&O teams need to optimize a much broader […]

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Building your Brand on the Big 6 Networks

The Big 6 social networks offer tremendous marketing opportunities — and each one is very different. That’s why Spredfast has assembled our 6 Blueprints for Social Network Success. In one quick-read collection, you’ll discover constructive, actionable marketing tips for Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. These Blueprints are packed with more than 50 useful insights and real-world examples from […]

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The New Communications Standard: Drive Engagement by Combining Email with Mobile Messaging

It’s clear that both email and mobile messaging are indispensable tools in the marketer’s arsenal. The true value in utilizing these channels are derived however, not when these are used separately but when used in tandem with each other — in targeted, coordinated cross-channel campaigns. Download our free white paper to learn: • The benefits mobile messaging can bring to […]

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Enterprise Marketing Playbook Series: Lead Generation Metrics

In today’s marketing world, it’s crucial that enterprise marketers not only know how programs are performing, but also possess the data to prove that performance. To demonstrate the effectiveness of their campaigns, marketers need to set the right goals to measure. Read this playbook to learn how to measure and prove marketing ROI to get the proper credit for generating […]

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Enterprise Marketing Playbook Series: Sales and Marketing Alignment

In order for enterprise companies to be successful in today’s economy, sales and marketing teams must be aligned. Both departments must come together to develop strategies, processes and best practices to pave the foundation for collaboration. Understanding what marketing will provide and what to expect from sales is the first step. Use this playbook to begin your aligned lead generation […]

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A Webinar Template for Marketing Professionals

Webinars are powerful tools for reaching and engaging audiences anywhere. But first you need to know how to present your information simply and successfully. This template by Gihan Perera, author of Webinar Smarts, will help you craft a compelling marketing webinar that will engage your audience from start to finish.

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3 Things to do Before, During and After a Webinar

There are a few simple things you can do before, during and after a webinar that will leave your attendees talking for days. “If you want to have a lively event, get the conversation started early.” This brief outlines 3 steps you should follow for each stage of the webinar process to get the results you want.

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