Designing for Efficiency: UX Solutions for Industrial Automation

Spurred by the implementation of AI, robotics, and other technologies, the global industrial automation market is projected to reach USD 265 billion by 2025. UX is one solution to the challenges presented by this scramble to automate.

The move to automation is on a scale that the Third Industrial Revolution only previously rivaled, but it isn’t without its challenges. There are concerns about the interoperability and standardization of devices and software, as well as the needs of the human at the center of the automation puzzle. However, one solution to ensure that every stream works seamlessly is UX.

UX design implicitly asks, ‘what’s next?’, allowing its practitioners to advocate for user experience by spanning the domains of industrial design, marketing, software, hardware, and UI. By looking for methods and tools that make industrial automation better and more efficient, UX is being turned into a strategic advantage, consigning to history the days of industrial manufacturing companies being siloed.